Playing for Keeps
St John's College started out with a roll of 220 young men. Fast forward to 2023 and the College roll has risen to over 900. Still training, learning, playing and competing on these same fields. This growth, along with changing weather patterns, was placing enormous pressure on our playing surfaces. Playing for Keeps has ensured our fields are fit for use year round - and we will have fantastic seats for the entire SJC community to view sports events, school competitions and performances, or just enjoy the spectacular view over to Mt Pirongia.
Although all all three phases have now been successfully completed and the terraced seating was officially opened on 17 June 2023, there are still seats available. Well over 150 plaques are already in place, their names a testament to the rich history of the College, and in some ways a record of the many people who walked through the school's gates and became part of the St John's family. To secure 'your seat', click on any DONATE NOW button and it will take you through the entire process. A 'brick donation' will secure your seat and any amount not directly needed for this project will support the Foundation's Endowment Fund.

Donation Options
No matter how big or small, your support will help deliver this project
Whether cash or 'in kind' support, our paramount donors will be acknowledged on the Donor Wall, prominently displayed as people access the Terraces
Platinum Donations will be acknowledged on the Donor Wall, prominently displayed as people access the Terrace
$1,000 TO $5,000
These generous donations will be acknowledged on plaques affixed to the Terraces, and added to the St John's College Supporters Board sited in the Marcellin Gymnasium Foyer.
Stake your claim to a spot on the Terraces with a plaque affixed to the Terraces.